Focussing towards children heart

Executive Director's Message

Pst. Benard Otieno

We would love to take this great opportunity to pass our compassionate greetings and to welcome everyone in this website and particularly to support us by expressing his or her love through giving hope and happiness to the most vulnerable children and other children in Suna West Community. We are motivated by the love of Jesus christ that has made us move towards the direction of happiness and wholesomeness of a person. over the last ten years we have been giving life transformational actions on Education, Economic &livelihood and Spiritual intervention.

Our main challenge is the extreme poverty that has spread in many households in Suna West, the community is known of brewing g ilicit changa (local liquor) and prostitution as the alternative source of income. The poverty exist in different forms such as Spiritual, Physical, emotional, relational and economic. The 'desert of poverty' has robs many people of their basic needs such as food, clean and safe water, hygiene and sanitation, health care and Education. It has also destroyed hope, purpose, and self-worthy since the people's hearts are infected with isolation, apathy, dependency, social disconnection (broken marriages, stealing a and burglary , prostitution and self abuse with drugs among the youth. These majorly accelerated by the effects of Corona Virus and HIV/AIDS pandemics

Poverty is life fallen short of God's intent. Our strategy is holistic with the whole gospel for the whole person. Our integrated programmes addresses broken-heart of everyone life to bring hope in Christ. Every DLOF programme seeks to educate, empower, restoring and redeeming our lost hope. The outcomes are transformational as observed through the indicators of the number of children educated, number of care givers empowered economically, and community enjoys peace and number of life redeemed. The hope of Christ is spreading throughout the unreached and the overlooked community and we won't stop until God's transformation increases beyond measure. Thank you once again for giving us your complement, both material, spiritual and financial support, to find our most need support area to fill the gap please click any of the list below