Leadership Team

Executive Director
Pst. Benard Okeyo
Director Finance
Mrs. Janet Otieno
Sponsorship Director
Mr. Michael O Jagero
Operation Director
Mr. Kevin Ouma

Pst. Benard Okeyo is a professional teacher with deep understanding on child development. He is a graduate from MSOMI Teachers College and currently he is undertaking a Diploma course in Strategic Leadership and Management at LIBU. Besides Teaching, Bernard is an ordained pastor at Dominion Gospel Ministry. Prior to championing the formation of Dividing Light Out Reach Foundation, he has gained rich experience in community Development with child Focuss through volunteer work with different organizations, He believe that nothing is difficult with God's Intervention and everyone has ultimate goal to achieve in his or her life

Mrs. Janet Otieno Janet is co-founder of DLOF, as a certified teacher she brings in vast knowledge In Child Development from her experience in academic environment and Social Work. She has worked with various NGO including Bridge International as a classroom Teacher, Mentor and Community Development Facilitator, a role she always takes with Passion. Because of God's Calling, Janet joined her husband Pst Benard to minister and propagate the Gospel. Mr. Benard joined the DLOF team in September of 2020 with a background in ICT and experience in child Sponsorship management and Monitoring and Evaluation . Before joining DLOF, Benard was working with World Vision International for over 5 years. He is inspired by a hardship areas where he interacted with children in dire need. Benard is excited to speak about opportunities for generosity towards children in need.

Pst. Benard Okeyo is a professional teacher with deep understanding on child development. He is a graduate from MSOMI Teachers College and currently he is undertaking a Diploma course in Strategic Leadership and Management at LIBU. Besides Teaching, Bernard is an ordained pastor at Dominion Gospel Ministry. Prior to championing the formation of Dividing Light Out Reach Foundation, he has gained rich experience in community Development with child Focuss through volunteer work with different organizations, He believe that nothing is difficult with God's Intervention and everyone has ultimate goal to achieve in his or her life

Board Of Directors

Board Chairman
Bishop. Nelson Kongere
Board Secretary
Mr.Michael Otino
Operation Director Mr. Kevin Ouma
Sponsorship Director-Mr. Benard Owiti
Financial Director-Mrs.Janet Otieno
Sponsorship Director-Mr. Benard Owiti