Focussing towards children heart

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Our Mission

Empowering street children to achieve their full potential and increasing the livelihood security of caregivers.

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Our Vision

To contribute to an inclusive society where vulnerable children have equal rights and opportunities to achieve their full potential. .

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Our Goal

To improve the quality life of street children within migori through education, care and christian nourishment

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Our Belief

Family is the best environment for a child to grow up in.

Child Protection
What does child protection mean?

we defines child protection as all efforts to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and other forms of violence against children especially the most vulnerable. we seeks to create a protective environment around children, such that they not only survive but thrive in their communities.

our programs strive to ensure that physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of the most vulnerable children are met within caring and protective families and communities. Focusing on activities that prevent them from falling into crisis or harmful situations; protect those who are in immediate danger through responsive care and improved capacity of service providers to respond; and restore child survivors of abuse, exploitation, or violence through appropriate community-based care.

How does Dividing Light Foundation Child Protetection help children outside of parental care?

We prioritizes the well-being of the world's most vulnerable children, including those outside of parental care who have been deprived of the protection and guidance normally given by their parents as primary caregivers and duty-bearers, leaving them vulnerable to abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

We value the family as the primary social unit and affirm its role as the primary actor responsible for the care and protection of children. Children grow and thrive best in a family-based environment, not in institutional care, the detrimental impacts of which are now widely recognized.

Dividing Light Foundation responds to children outside of parental care by strengthening families to care for and protect children, reducing risk of separation from their immediate and extended family, strengthening systems that provide alternative community-based options to institutionalization, and supporting transition and de-institutionalization processes. Our primary focus is to strengthen systems that allow the child to remain with family members. If remaining with the family is not in the best interest of the child, Dividing Light Foundation supports the family, community, and local authorities to find community-based solutions.Our community sensitization and awareness plays key pivotal approach.

How do you prevent crimes like child slavery and child sex trafficking?

Dividing Light Foundation works in partnership with local hospitals, schools, community leaders, faith communities, and law enforcement agencies to ensure that child protection is a priority. We encourage community stakeholders to raise awareness and advocate for child rights and protection, to speak out against harmful attitudes and practices, and to identify and respond to abuse and exploitation when they encounter it.

Dividing Light Foundation focuses on the most vulnerable-children separated from family care, who live or work on the street, who are affected by disaster or conflict, who are not in school and provides targeted education for these children on what trafficking is and recruitment techniques that traffickers use. By providing vulnerable children with access to quality education and supporting families to meet children's immediate needs; such as food and housing, we are making a significant contribution toward preventing child slavery and trafficking.

How do you actively protect children in need?
George Mungoma Child Protection center is concerned to protects children by looking out for their well-being: ensuring that communities are actively working to identify and support children in need; advocating for children’s rights; and providing for immediate needs, such as emergency shelter and essential care.

Advocating for the rights of children is an important part of our work, both in the communities where we work, and on a national level here in the United States to influence legislation that protects vulnerable children. Our work with the most vulnerable in communities where child abuse and exploitation are prevalent informs national advocacy both at home and abroad to improve upon systems for child protection.

What do you do to help children recover from abuse or exploitation?

Children who have been abused or exploited need time and care in order to recover. Dividing Light Foundation works to restore and reunite children with their families and communities when possible and at appropriate time. But we start by helping children who've been exploited to heal through medical, legal, and psychosocial services, providing life and livelihood skills and education opportunities. Often, this means providing a safe place for children to go while offering counseling and recovery activities.